It’s OK To Be A Little Bit Hungry

Food is all around us. It’s available everywhere. Whatever you want you can have at any time. But because of our over-abundance of food, we’ve forgotten what hunger actually feels like. We are completely out of touch with what our body truly needs. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to eat every two hours […]

Are You Human? You Need A Coach!

This is a subject We are REALLY passionate about. As most of our readers know, we are writing to you from the perspective of a weight loss, nutrition, and fitness coach.​ We own our own fitness facility helping others every day. And we have coaches. You see, despite being a highly qualified coaches ourselves across […]

The Fear PR

When you face powerful emotions like fear and failure, do they stop you in your tracks or propel you into forward action? Today we want to challenge you to set a “Fear PR” (PR=Personal Record). Identify the thing in life that scares you most right now. The thing that keeps you from taking decisive action […]

For The Love Of PIZZA!!!

We love pizza. So much. Do you? Did you know you can have pizza as often as you want while staying healthy and lean? Here’s how… Here’s how you can make it: Whole wheat tortilla 2 TBSP organic pizza sauce A large pile of spinach and arugula blend (obviously, wilts down a lot) Large pinch […]

Change Your Trajectory By 1%

What would it look like for you to change just 1% of your daily habits, behaviors or thoughts? What’s the impact of 1% change? If you were flying an airplane and you flew off course by just 1%, there is a great chance you’d end up on another continent, let alone in the place you […]

Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably counted calories. And if you’re a woman, you’ve probably fixated yourself on consuming 1,200 calories per day. (Weird fact: the majority of women we have spoken to about how many calories she thinks she should eat per day says 1,200 for no apparent reason). It seems […]

Pleasure In The Process

There’s a result you desire. Maybe it’s weight loss, maybe it’s to achieve a specific lift or run your first 5k, or maybe it’s to get off your blood pressure medication. Whatever the goal is, what we are going to talk about applies. If you or someone you know has ever gone to extreme measures […]

New Year, _________ You!

Here’s the deal: You are awesome. You really are. As you are today in this very moment. Can you become more awesome? Absolutely! We all can, but we would never want to change who you are at your core. That’s why we dislike the commonly heard phrase “New Year, New You.” This phrase implies you […]

We hope you didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution…

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are so pleased to ring in 2018 with you, which will, no doubt, be incredible…if you choose to make it so. So, what is a resolution? According to, a ​resolution​ is defined as: 1.the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc. 2. a […]

How Fitness Professionals struggle with food choices too !!!!

As a fitness professional, everything you eat and drink seems to be scrutinized by everyone! As a physical therapist, no one seems to care what we eat and drink. I have experienced this first-hand over numerous years. Working in the healthcare industry in hospitals and rehab centers, I was often amazed at what my coworkers […]