The choices you make throughout the day every day ultimately create a snowball effect in your life. The little things that may seem insignificant in the moment eventually add up to a massively successful life or a life of disappointment. Today we want to make you aware of those tiny yet indescribably important choices…because they […]
How Getting Fit Boosts Your Bank Account
You probably don’t hear much about how getting fit actually helps you save money! Often people fail to invest in themselves for fitness training because they simply see it as an expense. First of all, investing in your health absolutely MUST be a priority! There’s no use in having more money in the bank if […]
Let Go Of All Or None
One of the main reasons fitness programs or diets fail is because of the “All or None” mindset. The story tends to go something like this… Susan is ready to get in shape! She throws out all the junk food in her house and signs up to hit the gym 5 times per week! She’s […]
Which Is The Best Diet To Follow?
Depending on how well we know each other, you may or may not already know our answer to this question. It’s one we get ALL the time. It’s also one of the most Googled questions around health and fitness. Everyone wants that magic answer that’s easy to follow and gets the results. But the truth […]
How Getting Fit Expands Your Mind
When you start a program to get healthy and fit, develop better habits, get out of pain, or whatever the case may be, one thing you probably don’t expect is how your mind transforms. Health and fitness can be very elusive, multi-failure, hard to reach topics for the majority of people. You may have even […]
Knowledge ISN’T Power!!
Despite the popularity of the phrase “knowledge is power”, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Think about it. There’s more information available to us today than EVER before. There are aisles of diet and cook books in book stores and far more than that on Amazon, there are millions of free workout videos available […]
You Are A Force
Under the burdens of “must do’s” and mundane daily routines, we forget who we are and why we’re here. We are reminding you today that you are a FORCE, a powerful being, a human destined for greatness. We lose ourselves in the care of others, in our work, in all that life in the 21st […]
3 Simple Ways To Make Vegetables Exciting!
We will be honest with you…we are not going to eat things that we don’t love. We are a grown up. We know what’s good for us, but we also choose to eat foods that satisfy our palate. We love making vegetables taste AMAZING, so here are some of our favorite ways: Grill them. Drizzle […]
5 Fitness Myths BUSTED!
By now you know that certain myths simply aren’t true – weights don’t make you bulky, diets are typically a bad idea, and that fat physiologically can’t be transformed into muscle. So, we are going to focus more on some myths you may still believe to be true… Eat less and move more to lose […]
Keep the goal THE GOAL
We think you’d agree that we are in an age of information overload. Between internet search engines and social media, ALL the advice and opinions are available to you. And it’s hard to tune out the noise. But we are here to remind you today to stay focused on the goal. If you’re doing something […]