How Fitness Professionals struggle with food choices too !!!!

As a fitness professional, everything you eat and drink seems to be scrutinized by everyone! As a physical therapist, no one seems to care what we eat and drink. I have experienced this first-hand over numerous years.
Working in the healthcare industry in hospitals and rehab centers, I was often amazed at what my coworkers would consume. In addition, we always had very thoughtful patients who thought nothing about bringing us lots of chocolate, cookies, and sweets. As a fitness professional, though, you are under the watchful eye of both your coworkers and clients. Now, for the most part, this is not a big deal as we DO eat healthy and mindfully the majority of the time, BUT we have moments of wanting things that are NOT the best choices.
Case in point, I recently attended a Ribbon Cutting at a local business and was SURROUNDED by food. Some, were great choices and others were not so great choices. But as I walked in, I was greeted by some businessmen that knew what I did, so I was under a very watchful eye. At first, I wasn’t going to have anything, but then I made my healthy choices. I chose fresh fruit, fresh veggies, and some water. I passed on the yummy looking pinwheels and the thought of having some cake. So you might think, what’s the big deal? The big deal is that we encourage our clients to make healthy choices daily. We understand that there are times when making healthy choices can become difficult, but you have to choose whether or not the “not so healthy choice” is worth it.
First, you should think about how the choice will benefit you. How will it make you feel? Will you feel satisfied, bloated, happy, or are you just passing the time and doing what everyone else is doing? Then, you should think about whether or not the choice will bring you closer to your goal. If you have a very specific goal of losing weight, feeling great, and living a healthier lifestyle, then maybe you should pass. If it’s a special occasion, and just a small piece of cake will provide you with the needed satisfaction of both participating in the event and having something sweet, then maybe you should go for it. Either way, YOU decide. YOU have the option of living healthy or not and know that as we help you on YOUR journey, we are human too and often have similar struggles!!!
Article written by: Desiree Challice, PT, DPT, CSCS, Certified Pilates Instructor


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Posted in Certified, childhood obesity, Fitness, weight loss.