Let Go Of All Or None

One of the main reasons fitness programs or diets fail is because of the “All or None” mindset.

The story tends to go something like this…

Susan is ready to get in shape! She throws out all the junk food in her house and signs up to hit
the gym 5 times per week! She’s eating meat and vegetables, training hard, and feeling great
about it!

Motivation is through the roof her first week or two…maybe even three. Then reality creeps in.
She misses sugar. She’s sore and tired. Things were “easier” before she started this new

She justifies skipping a day or two or three in the gym. She finds herself back in the bakery
because she’s been working hard and she “deserves” it.

Within 6-12 weeks of starting the journey, Susan is right back to where she started – eating
what she wants and not working out…except now she’s got a gym membership bill to pay for
each month.

We are not sharing this story to be negative! We are sharing it because this is the reality that many of
the people we’ve worked with here at Peak Fitness & Rehab have faced in the past, and
they’ve been able to change that story.

Instead of going from 0 to 60mph overnight, if Susan had taken less of an all or none approach,
she would still be on track. Defining a REAL, sustainable plan of action is one of the top ways we
help our clients get results.

If you’ve ever tried to change everything overnight, you know it rarely works. Maybe you even
relate to Susan’s story or you know someone who relates.

If you want to get out of the all or none mindset (or know someone who needs to), please CLICK HERE to let us know.

There is a better way, and we can help you navigate your path just like Susan!!







P.S. There is no cost or obligation to speak with us, so simply CLICK HERE and let us know you’re

ready to chat. Together we can help you find real, sustainable success.

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